The main aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic value of DXA and the TBS analysis in fracture risk prediction in women over 50 with suspected osteoporosis.5000 questionnaires were randomly selected for the study. Only patients with completed questionnaire along with the DXA examination (2010-2013) and collected telephone interview (2018-2019) were included in further analysis which allowed for the inclusion of 411 women. The DXA spine examination analysis using the TBS computer software was performed. The risk of fracture was assessed (FRAX BMI, BMD, BMD-TBS).51% of the group was diagnosed with osteoporosis (T-score ≤-2,5). In the follow-up a new fracture was found in 23%. Most women with a fracture was identified in the group with osteoporosis, while 18,7% had a fracture without diagnosed disease. In this group bone structure abnormalities (TBS ≤1,31) were found in 73%. T-core, TBS, FRAX analysis showed an effective prognostic value (AUC> 0,5) for all the variables. Moreover the TBS analysis enables prediction of fractures in women with osteopenia. All analyzed models (FRAX BMI+TBS, BMD+TBS, BMI+spine BMD+TBS) indicate a significant (p<0,05) predictive value. Increase in the incidence of fractures has been demonstrated with a decrease in BMD and TBS, while the prevalence of fractures in women without osteoporosis emphasizes the need to use additional tools in the fract ; ure risk assessment. The analysis of TBS independently of BMD predicts the risk of fracture which is important in women with osteopenia. All diagnostic models indicate a significant predictive value that allows their use in clinical practice.
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu
Mar 25, 2024
Dec 13, 2022
Edition name | Date |
ZB-135525 | Mar 25, 2024 |
Warzecha, Maja
Dudzik, Barbara
Nawara, Jolanta
Wyszogrodzka-Gaweł, Gabriela
Borowy, Przemysław