
Title: Interventional procedures for children in a modern hybrid room


The development of cardiac surgery techniques and imaging methods has contributed to a change in the treatment of patients suffering from congenital heart disease (CHD), especially in the case of single-ventricular congenital heart disease. CHD patients were divided in two groups for analysis: children who underwent hybrid procedures (HP: 117 patients; 58.62% male gender; mean age: 9.82 months; age range: 1 day - 18 years) and patients who underwent cardiological interventional procedures (IP: 55 patients; 61.82% male gender; mean age 9.58 months; age range: 9 days-18 years). In neonates born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), hybrid procedures have proved to be less traumatizing than radical surgery using the Norwood method. Hybrid stage I palliation in the case of HLHS is an effective way of treatment. The use of HP in the treatment of aortic coarctation also has many advantages, including reduction of radiation dose and decrease of administered nephrotoxic iodine contrast dosage. In the third stage of palliative treatment, hybrid single-chamber heart surgery enables, inter alia, stents implantation into pulmonary arteries, for fenestration, as well as atrial septectomy, plasty of the neoaorta. Carrying out hybrid procedures during the third stage also shortens the patient's stay in intensive care and improves treatment outcomes. The use of HP finds particular app ; lication in the treatment of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot. Pulmonary valve implantation under HP significantly reduces surgery duration, reduces the risk of heavy bleeding and damage to the surrounding nerves.

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Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

kardiochirurgia ; pediatria

Degree grantor:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne


Mroczek, Tomasz

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ZB-134492 Mar 25, 2024


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