
Title: Multiorgan complications in adult patients after Fontan procedure


The aim of the study was to assess organ complications in adult patients after Fontan procedure, to evaluate the impact of multiorgan complications on QoL and the impact of the presence of fenestration on the occurrence of organ complications and Adult patients after Fontan surgery (n = 59) and a age- and sex-mathced control group (n = 40) were included to the study. The assessment of organ complications and QoL was based on selected functional, imaging and laboratory tests as well as the SF-36 questionnaire. Patients after Fontan surgery, have significantly worse QoL compared to the control group. PF significantly correlated with ventilator parameters, HRpeak and albumin level. The multivariate model indicated HRpeak was an independent PF predictor and albumin level was a predictor of RP. Fontan patients with the more severe LS had significantly lower PLTs, higher AST, GGTP levels, APRI, FIB-4 score and Forns index group comparing to the group with lower LS degree. Canonical correlation analysis showed that LS and thrombocytopenia strongly correlated with time since Fontan surgery. In addition, higher LS and thrombocytopenia were associated with age during surgery and SVEF. Patients after Fontan surgery with opened fenestration had significantly higher SVEF, higher HRpeak, HRR, VE and VO2peak and lower level of NT-proBNP, ALP and the incidence of atrial fibrillation. Ventilati ; on disorders, liver impairment and chronotropic insufficiency influence the QoL of adults Fontan patients. Fenestrated patients had better SVEF, exercise capacity and lower ALP level. Patients after Fontana surgery develop liver impairment. The time after surgery, the age at operation and SVEF are related to the LS degree.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

choroby układu krążenia ; kardiochirurgia

Degree grantor:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne


Tomkiewicz-Pająk, Lidia

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pol; eng

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ZB-132358 Dec 19, 2024


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