
Title: Impact of compliance with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol on short and long-term outcomes in patients after laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery


Aim The main aim of the study was to determine the impact of compliance to ERAS protocol on the results in a group of patients operated for colorectal cancer. The first stage was to determine the impact of compliance on short-term results such as mortality, complication rate, length of hospital stay and convalescence parameters (tolerating oral diet, mobilization, and need for opioids on the day of surgery). The next stage checked whether it is possible to maintain high compliance of the protocol for a long time. Finally I tried to determine the relationship between the compliance and distant oncological results. Results The use of ERAS protocol improves short-term results of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal adenocarcinoma: accelerates convalescence (tolerance of an oral diet, mobilization after surgery and need for opioid drugs), reduces morbidity, reduces the length of hospital stay with the same percentage of hospital readmissions. However, its impact on short-term results correlates with the level of protocol implementation. The higher compliance with the protocol, the better short-term results. Maintaining a high level of implementation of the protocol is possible despite the slight decrease over time. However, this has no adverse effect on short-term results. Recovery parameters, percentage of complications, duration of hospital stay and percentage of readmissions to t ; he hospital is comparable in groups. The compliance with ERAS protocol seems to also affect long-term results. Low compliance with ERAS protocol, along with the higher stage of cancer and postoperative complications, is an independent factor worsening long-term survival.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

choroby układu trawiennego ; onkologia ; chirurgia

Degree grantor:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne


Pędziwiatr, Michał

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pol; eng

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ZB-132351 Dec 18, 2024




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