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Link-Lenczowska, Dorota
Praca doktorska
The aim of the dissertation was to develop and implement methods for detecting the V617F mutation in exon 14 of the JAK2 gene and mutations in exon 9 of the CALR gene, exon 10 of the MPL gene and exon 13 of the gene ASXL1, in patients with MPN Ph(-). The quantitative usefulness of molecular methods such as qPCR and ddPCR was compared in the diagnosis of the V617F mutation of the JAK2 gene. Both methods enabled detection of studied mutation and then tracking of the response to the treatment. Determination of the analytical sensitivity for both methods allowed to indicate the ddPCR as suitable for precise MRD monitoring. The development of DNA fragment length analysis and Sanger sequencing assays provided identification of the somatic mutations of the CALR gene. Implementation of HRM analysis for evaluation of changes in the MPL gene and sequencing of the ASXL1 gene with the simultaneous use of the MIPSS prognostic scale enabled stratification of risk in the course of PMF. The use of the MIPSS index, which takes into account molecular disturbances, gives the opportunity to implement a proper diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for patients with PMF.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Wydział Lekarski
Sacha, Tomasz
pol; eng
tylko w bibliotece
Mar 13, 2023
Apr 21, 2021
Małek, Marianna
Białecka, Joanna
Szymoński, Krzysztof
Gibek, Katarzyna
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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