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Kozub, Justyna
Praca doktorska
The author of the present thesis carried out a comparative analysis ofthree different computer software packages – FSL, SPM and FuncTool– for the processing of fMRI scans. The aim of the thesis was theanalysis of the volume of regions functionally active during thestimulation of the centres evaluated as well as the location of thoseregions in relation to the tumour boundaries, and then the comparisonof the results. Thirty eight patients with a diagnosed tumour of the lefthemisphere, qualified for a neurosurgical operation, underwent fMRI.The functions of speech, motion and sensation were evaluated.Imaging data were processed for all the acquired scans with the use ofeach of the three software packages assessed. The results of theanalysis in question showed that the FSL and SPM packages could beused interchangeably in the functional mapping of the brain with thepurpose of the planning of neurosurgical operations. For the FuncToolsoftware package the calculated differences in the distances betweenthe tumour boundaries and the activated brain regions were severaltimes greater than those calculated using FSL or SPM.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Wydział Lekarski
Urbanik, Andrzej
tylko w bibliotece
Mar 15, 2023
Jun 15, 2015
Bryll, Amira
Stanuszek, Agnieszka
Karcz, Paulina
Sobiecka, Barbara
Siegel, Renata
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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