
Title: Trait anxiety and trait anger as determinants of death due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD) and all causes, in men and women aged 35-64, residents of former Tarnobrzeg voivodship


The goals of the study were: to examine the distribution of trait anxiety and trait anger in Polish population, to estimate the relationship between anxiety and anger and well known cardiovascular diseases (CVD) risk factors, to assess the relationship between anxiety and anger and risk of death due to all causes, CVD, and coronary heart disease (CHD), after controlling for CVD risk factors. Studied cohort was 3920 men and women at age 35 to 64 years, randomly selected from the population of 190000 residents of former Tarnobrzeg voivodship and screened in 1983-84 and 1987- 1988. Traits anxiety and anger meant as a constant disposition to experience anxiety and anger were assessed using TPI questionnaire by Spielberger and Wrześniewski. Studied group was followed up to the end of 1998. Significantly higher mean value of anxiety score was observed in women than in men. There was no difference in anger between genders. During the follow up time 529 deaths from all causes, 239 deaths from CVD and 98 CHD deaths occurred. In men, age adjusted relative risk for the increase of trait anxiety score by one standard deviation, was related to about 15% increase of risk of death due to CVD and 13% increase of death due to all causes. In women, age adjusted relative risk for the increase of trait anxiety score by one standard deviation, was related to two times increase of CHD death. The ; se results were statistically significant and remain constant after adjustment for CVD risk factors. No relationship between trait anger and risk of CVD, CHD, and all causes death was found.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

choroby układu krążenia ; psychologia

Degree grantor:

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu


Pająk, Andrzej

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