
Title: Change of the deformation of the human speech signal after surgery improving nasal patency


Nasal blockage belongs to the most common symptoms of nasal diseases. At the same frequency appear acoustic symptoms, existing as the change of human voice colour. Vocal and articulation disorders of the are usually observed in the form of closed rhinolalia and this observation can be perf ormed both by patients and other listeners as well. Nasal polyps and nasal septum deviation are frequent reason of nasal blockage connected in consequence with decreased nasa1 ventilation. One of the main principles of the surgical treatment performed in mentioned situations is the restoration of nasal patency. The evaluation of the influence of nasal surgery on intensification of acustic symptoms depends on verification of parameters of the human speech signal, so there was necessary to apply objective methods. That allowed to combine results of acoustic analysis with patient' s subjective feeling and rinomanometric eva1uation of nasal patency. The main purpose of this reserch was to evaluate the influence of surgical treatment improving nasal patency on deformation of the voice of operated patiens. The analysed population was composed of 40 patients, including 28 males and 12 females with diagnosis of nasal polyps or nasal septum deviation. The average age was 33,5 year in the interval 18 - 59 years. There were symptoms of vocal disorders and deceased nasal ventilation existed in medical bi ; story of all included patients. According to analysed indications, the examined population is the uniform group, because from considerd physical and acoustic aspect the reason of the constriction of the nasal flow way is not important. The essence of the examination determines the grade of intesification of pre- and postoperative voca1 disorders and coexistance of nasal ventilation improvement as the clincal outcome of surgical treatment. All included patients signed informed consent form and underwent the same examination procedure included: clinical evaluation, subjective assessment of quality of voice connected with rhinolalia, anterior active rhinomanomerty and digital recording of the speech specimen. All measuremnts were perfonned preoperativly and twice after surgical treatment. Early control took place postoperatively in a period of 28 - 32 days after surgery. Late control was done after 90 days. As the surgical treatment, there was septoplasty in the case of nasal septum deviation or polypectomy in the case of nasal polyps perfonned. After the collection of the voca] materia] acoustic analysis of recorded speech signal was made. There were following vowels analysed: ,,n" isolated from Polish words „konie" and „siano" and orał vowel „a" isolated from Polish word „trawa". For statistic analysis, computed ANOVA and veryfing tests (SED test, Duncan's test) in Statistca ; programme were used. The distance of speech signal of nasal vowels from pattem signal was decreased in all 8/8 measunnents (100% population) in early control and further decreason for 5/8 consecutive measurments in late control was confinned. There was no statistic differences according to the distance of signal for vowe] ,,a" from pattem signal, neither in early nor in the late control examination. Theese reults strongly indicate on improvement of the voice and speech acoustics, especially for nasal vowels in patients, who underwent anlysed surgical treatment. Nowadays, on the present reserch state, it is possible to confinn co-existance of vocal and ventilation disorders. According to surgical indications, the acoustic analysis could be useful as an additional test in cases with therapeutic difficoultness, because the existance of acoustic symptoms points at the partial or total nasal blockage.

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Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

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Degree grantor:

Wydział Lekarski


Składzień, Jacek

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