Focal liver lesions are found in the course of diseases of liver parenchyma itself and other, sometimes life threatening disorders. The aim of the study was a comparison of two types of biopsy – fine needle and core needle biopsy with regard to initial clinical diagnosis and morphology of sonographic picture. The other aim was establishment of inclusion criteria for core needle biopsy only. There were 124 patients (53 male patients, mean age 63,7, ±10,2 and 71 female patients, mean age 60,3, SD ±13,8) hospitalized in the 2nd Department of Surgery UJ CM from 1.3.2001 to 31.12.2005 in whom fine needle and core needle biopsies of focal liver lesions were performed. Patients were divided into three main groups on the basis of initial clinical diagnosis at admission. I - Patients with concomitant neoplastic disease. II - Patients previously treated due to neoplastic disease. III - Patients without previously diagnosed neoplastic disease. Analysis revealed higher percentage of correct results with regard to initial clinical diagnosis, morphology of sonographic picture and features of liver parenchyma in cases of: 1. Clinical suspicion of benign etiology of focal lesion. 2. Steatotic liver. 3. Focal lesions assessed with the use of ultrasound as hypoechogenic. 4. Focal lesions assessed with the use of ultrasound as hyperechogenic. 5. Small focal lesions (especially less than 5 ml). Co ; re needle biopsy may be considered a better diagnostic technique that should be method of choice for histological verification of focal lesions: 1. Suspected of being benign. 2. Within steatotic liver. 3. Hypoechogenic. 4. Hyperechogenic. 5. Small ( < 5 ml).
Jun 26, 2023
Nov 21, 2012
3 190
Edition name | Date |
ZB-105984 | Jun 26, 2023 |
Krzywoń, Jerzy
Olszewska, Marta
Mrevlje, Blaž
Kapuścińska, Katarzyna
Jąkała, Jacek
Magoń, Wojciech
Nocuń, Agnieszka