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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Selected aspects of endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes


Introduction: One of possible mechanisms leading to the development of chronic diabetes complications is endothelial dysfunction (ED). Aim: To asses ED in patients with DM 2 and to assess the relationship between ED and diabetic retinopathy. Material: 182 patients with DM 2 with mean age 56,3 yrs. The control group included 43 healthy volunteers. Methods: We assesed endothelial function by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and by assessment of von Willebrand factor (vWf) and s-ICAM .Retinopathy was assessd using fundus photography; intima-media thickness of carotid artery by usg. Statistical analysis included multiple regression analysis. Results: Diabetic retinopathy was found in 39,0% of patients. Mean IMT was significantly higher and FMD lower in DM 2 patients than in control group (respectively 0,83 mm vs. 0,66 mm, p<0,00005 and 9,0% vs. 11,4%, p=0,0165). In patients with diabetic retinopathy IMT was higher than in patients without retinopathy (0,87 mm vs 0,79 mm, p=0,0001), while FMD was lower (8,38% vs 10,45%, p=0,0023). In multiple regression analysis age, insulin therapy, hypertension and retinopathy were independenet predictors for IMT value, while retinopathy and HbA1c as well as total cholesterol level for FMD. Conclusions: DM 2 patients are characterized by common occurence of ED and increased intima-media thickness. Incidence of IMT and FMD abnormalities is higher in ; diabetic retinopathy group than in patients without retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is an independent predictor of ED and IMT in DM 2. Patients with diabetic retinopathy need particularly intensive cardiovascular management.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


endokrynologia ; choroby układu krążenia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Małecki, Maciej T

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

15 lut 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

21 lis 2012

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ZB-107318 15 lut 2023


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