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Tytuł: Studies of chosen parameters of antioxidant system in homogenates of sufficient, insufficient veins, peripheral and stasis blood samples of patients with chronic venous disease


Etiology of chronic venous disease (CVD), also known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), is related to leukocyte trapping. Leukocyte trapping relies on white cells trapping to vessel walls, their activation and translocation outside the vessel, and what results in increased blood viscosity and elevated blood flow resistance. These symptoms are manifested by increased endothelial cells permeability and escape of fluids, circumvascular oedema and capillary stenosis. Release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in trapped white cells is observed. It is possible to indirectly determine the effects of ROS in cells or tissues by measuring activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). SOD and GPx directly inhibit generation of free radicals and compounds that were produced in a process of oxidation from ROS, such as malonyl dialdehyde (MDA). Determination of oxidative stress could be obtained by comparison of measurement results from various markers. The aim of the studies was to establish functions of free radicals in an etiology of venous changes on the level of venous vessels. The following material was used for studies: peripheral blood, blood stasis in varicose veins, and fragments of sufficient or insufficient venous system and varices from 31 sick persons with diagnosed chronic venous disease in 2 and 3 degree, according t ; o CEAP (clinical state, etiology, anatomy and pathophysiology), which are qualified to surgical procedure. Results from determination of total antioxidative ability (ferric reducing antioxidant power, FRAP) in plasma and tissues homogenates, concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH), activity of antioxidative enzymes (SOD and GPx) and the level of MDA (marker of lipid peroxidation) were used for estimation of the antioxidative system, Results: The highest value of FRAP was observed in homogenates of sufficient venous and the lowest one in homogenates of varices and insufficient venous. Differences between these values were statistically significant. Activity of SOD was higher in blood stasis in varicose veins in comparison to peripheral blood in a group of all patients with CVD. Activity of SOD was significantly increased in homogenates of varices and insufficient venous from orifice of human saphenous vein (VSM) in comparison to activity of SOD activity in homogenates of sufficient veins from region of medial ankle shank. Level of GSH was the highest in peripheral blood plasma in comparison to blood stasis in a group of the same patients with CVD. Analysis of individual results obtained in women and men have shown an occurrence of statistically significant differences in GSH concentration between peripheral blood and blood stasis. Level of GSH ; was significantly increased in homogenates of sufficient venous in comparison to GSH level in homogenates of insufficient venous and varices. A statistically significant difference was observed by comparing the levels of GSH in homogenates of insufficient venous and varices. The lowest level of glutathione was observed in homogenates of varices. Activity of GPx was a statistically higher in homogenates of sufficient venous in comparison to activity of GPx in homogenates of insufficient venous in a group of all patients with CVD. Activity of GPx was statistically higher in homogenates of sufficient venous in comparison to activity of GPx in homogenates of varices in a group of all patients with CVD. Activity of GPx was significantly increased in homogenates of sufficient venous in comparison to activity of GPx in homogenates of insufficient venous and varices. Value of MDA was higher in blood stasis plasma. The highest concentration of MDA was observed in homogenates of varices and insufficient venous. The lowest concentration of MDA was found in homogenates of sufficient venous. Conclusions: The course of chronic venous disease progresses with intensified oxidation stress in blood plasma and homogenates of insufficient venous and varices in comparison to venous unchanged by inflammatory process Measurement of chosen oxidative and antioxidative m ; arkers could be useful for determination of vessel changes in patients with CVD. Arising clinical changes are linearly dependant on efficiency of scavenging of ROS, what additionally proves about the participation of free radicals in pathogenesis of CVD.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


choroby układu krążenia ; biochemia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Farmaceutyczny


Stępniewski, Marek

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9 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

21 lis 2012

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ZB-110275 9 mar 2023


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