Metadata language
endometrial cancer ; metastases ; radical ; lymph notes
The objective of paper is to evaluate the frequency of metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes in endometrial cancer; determine the correlation between occurrence of metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes and selected clinical morphological factors; determine prognostic importance of metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes and determine the correlation between 5-year survival of the patients and selected clinical and morphological factors. This study was based on data obtained from 183 women with endometrial carcinoma operated in Chair of Gynecology&Oncology CMUJ. Subjects were divided into 2 groups. Group I was operated using simple hysterectomy. Group II was operated using expanded hysterectomy with removal of pelvic lymph nodes. Based on the observations and obtained results we came to the following conclusions: incidence of pelvic lymph node metastasis in endometrial carcinoma involves 19,27% of cases and worsen 5-year survival rate. There is a correlation between metastasis to regional pelvic lymph nodes and histological type, grading, depth of invasion and the presence of estrogen receptors. Besides the clinical grade, other histo-morphological factors mentioned above, which correlate with the proportion of lymph node metastasis i.e. histology of the tumor, its maturity grade, cell tumor arrangement, depth of malignant invasion of the myometrium and the presence of estrogen receptors, have a ; n effect on 5-year survival rates. Radical hysterectomy with removal of pelvic lymph nodes, in comparison to simple hysterectomy, it significantly decreases the proportion of postoperative radiotherapy.