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Tytuł: Assessment of other organ cancers occurence in patients with uveal melanoma


Aims of the study: assessment of the occurrence of primary cancers in different location in patients affected by uveal melanoma and finding the differences between a group of patients with intraocular melanoma and another primary cancer and a group of patients with uveal melanoma but without another diagnosed primary neoplasm. Material and methods: Medical records of 1872 patients diagnosed and treated with uveal melanoma at the Department of Ophthalmology and Ocular Oncology Jagiellonian University Medical College in the period 1998 - 2007 were reviewed. In this group 97 patients with other primary malignancies were found. They were compared with a group of 143 patients affected by uveal melanoma but without diagnosis of another pimary cancer. Analysis was based on the clinical examination and data obtained from patients or their relatives during interview. Results: Primary malignant neoplasms of different origin were recognized in 97 out of 1872 patients affected by uveal melanoma. Patients with multiple primary neoplasms in comparison with patients without diagnosed other primary cancers, reported more frequently family history of malignancies in relatives of I degree (p=0.0073) and of I and/or II degrees (p=0.0001). The patients with multiple primary neoplasms more frequently had secondary and higher education (p=0.0001), more frequently worked according to ISCO-88 (COM) cl ; assification as „Specialists” (p=0.0001), more frequently lived in cities than in villages (p=0.0060), especially cities with population higher than 500 thousand (p=0.0001), more frequently reported history of operation not related with uveal melanoma (p=0.0000) and women had smaller number (≤2) of pregnancies (p=0.0008). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the prevalence of multiple primary neoplasms in patients with uveal melanoma depended on a few above mentioned factors: secondary and higher education, living in the city with over 500 thousand inhabitants, undergoing an operation and family history of cancer (in relatives of I and I and/or II degree). Conclusions: 1.The occurrence of primary malignancies of different location in patients with uveal melanoma constituted 5.2%. 2. The results can suggest common genetic factors in development of different cancers, indicate necessity of organizing broad prophylactic actions, emphasize great importance of availability of modern diagnostic methods and suggest the effect of environmental pollution on cancers development. They also suggest protective effect of pregnancy against multiple primary cancers development.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


okulistyka ; onkologia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium Medicum


Romanowska-Dixon, Bożena

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

10 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

21 lis 2012

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ZB-111532 10 mar 2023


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