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Remjasz-Jurek, Agnieszka Joanna
Praca doktorska
Cochlear implants have been considered an effective surgical treatment for severe and profound sensorineural hearing loss smce 1990. Their use has expanded dynamically, especially m children with additional disabilities. A retrospective analysis of the outcomes of children with selected genetic syndromes who received cochlear implants for severe or profound hearing loss before the age of 18 years was performed. Results were analyzed according to the age of implantation, type of genetic syndrome, imaging findings, surgical course, and postoperative period. All patients included in the study achieved improvements in hearing and speech perception after cochlear implantation. Factors influencing the results were age at implantation, limitation of psychomotor development, and the presence of additional inner ear defects. The best results were achieved with early intervention in the prelingual period. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of cochlear implantation in children diagnosed with genetic syndromes, despite additional clinical difficulties. lt was concluded that treatment of hearing loss with cochlear implants is effective but involves greater diagnostic and surgical challenges and the need to tailor postoperative care to the individual patient.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne
Tomik, Jerzy
pol; eng
tylko w bibliotece
Oct 9, 2024
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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