
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Zespół metaboliczny u dzieci z przewlekłą chorobą nerek z uwzględnieniem powikłań narządowych


The incidence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in children is increasing, and in children there is no unified definition. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) suffer from numerous complications, such as hypertension (HT) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence, basis for diagnosis and treatment of MS in children with CKD, considering complications such as HT, endothelial dysfunction (ED) or LVH. Children up to 18 years of age with CKD stages 1-5 were studied. Anthropometric measurements, biochemical tests, office and 24-hour blood pressure (BP) measurements (ABPM) and echocardiography were performed. MS was diagnosed based on IDF or De Ferranti criteria. Conclusions: Due to high percentage of masked HT in children with CKD, office measurements are not sufficient to detect HT, ABPM is the best diagnostic method. In children with CKD, thrombomodulin seems to be a valuable marker of endothelial dysfunction, correlating with CKD stage as well as oxidative stress, BP and left ventricular mass index. ED contributes to the development of HT and subsequent cardiovascular complications - therefore, it should be taken into account in the therapeutic strategies of children with HT. In children with CKD, LVH is associated with multiple risk factors, of which the components of MS, HT, CKD stage 5, and growth deficit are the most significa ; nt.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


pediatria ; nefrologia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne


Drożdż, Dorota

Data wydania:






pol; eng

Prawa dostępu:

tylko w bibliotece

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

8 sie 2024

Data dodania obiektu:

8 sie 2024

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ZB-138843 8 sie 2024


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