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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Discrepancies of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of diseases associated with plasma cell dyscrasia


Non-characteristic symptomatology associated with plasma cell dyscrasias often leads patients to seek consultation at an advanced stage of disease. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct tests that enable diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Laboratory diagnostics play a pivotal role in the rapid recognition and subsequent monitoring ofpatients with monoclonal gammopathies. However, this patient group often presents diagnostic cha llenges and inconsistencies in laboratory parameters. These inconsistencies binder the proper interpretation of laboratory results and the implementation of appropriate therapeutic decisions. This study analyzed the causes of discrepancies in laboratory test results among patients with plasma cell dyscrasias. Ready-made solutions that can be applied in laboratory practice were provided, addressing difficulties related to the processing of challenging spec i mens or result interpretation. In the process of diagnosis and monitoring of patients with plasma cell dyscrasias, cooperation between different groups of health care professionals, especially physicians and laboratory diagnosticians, is important. The optima! solut ion would be the creation o1 interdisciplinary teams in the centers dealing with these patients. Such teams would include, in addition to physicians, a laboratory diagnostician experienced in the diagnosis of monoclonal gamm ; opathies. Close cooperation between the diagnostician and the clinician will enable the sho11ening of the diagnostic process so crucial in cancer patients and effective monitoring o1 treatment and lower overall treatment costs.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu


Drożdż, Ryszard ; Tisończyk, Joanna

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

27 maj 2024

Data dodania obiektu:

27 maj 2024

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ZB-139548 27 maj 2024


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