Age assessment is more accurate and easier at various stages of development of human bone structures and during maturation of deciduous and permanent dentition. Imaging, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, play an increasingly important role in estimating the skeletal and dental age. The aim of our study was to simultaneously analyze the development of several ossification centers and reveal similarities in the time window allowing for a more precise estimation of skeletal age. The aim of the simultaneous analysis of dentition development was to search for similarities, defined in a time frame, between the stages of development of ossification centers and the stages of dentition maturation. PMCT scans were performed at the Chair and Department of Forensic Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in 2012-2016. Siemens Somatom Emotion 16 CT equipment was used, 130kV, 240 mAs, collimation 16 × 0.6, pitch 0.85, layer thickness 0.75 mm for the head and 1.5 mm for the trunk and limbs. Statistical analysis showed that the process of maturation of the ossification centers progresses with the age of the individual. Simultaneous occurrence of mature third molars in the maxillary and mandibular dentition after the age of 18 in both sexes was observed. Comparison of the results of our study with other authors determining age in a group of living peo ; ple showed that the results of age determination by post-mortem computed tomography can be used both in the identification of deceased people and in determining the age of living individuals.
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne
8 sty 2025
29 lut 2024
Nazwa wydania | Data |
ZB-139431 | 8 sty 2025 |
Lopatin, Oleksiy
Bachleda-Księdzularz, Monika