
Title: The impact of playing american football on feet functions


Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of playing American football on the anatomopathological and functional condition of the feet. Material and methods. The study involved 70 male American football players (22.6±4.1 years old) – from the Kraków Football Kings team. The control group consisted of 35 (21.5±3.3 years old). The difference between the offensive and defensive positions was acknowledged. The following research tools were applied: an original questionnaire, Foot Posture Index (FPI-6), Y Balance Test (YBT) and a dynamometer platform (Zebris, FDM-S). Pedobarometric measurements were carried out in gait as well as in the bipedal and single leg stances. Results. In the study group, foot injuries constituted 10% of the lower limb injuries. In comparison with the control group, higher FPI-6 values and significant differences in the YBT test were observed. It has been observed that the players exhibit less load on the forefoot in the single leg stance and higher values of the average maximum force and pressure of both feet as well as a shorter contact time of the feet with the ground in gait. Significant correlations were found between the age, the BMI and the variables obtained during gait as well as between the YBT values and the load on the left foot in the single leg stance. Conclusions. Playing American football increases the risk of foot in ; juries and leads to more frequent pronation and overloading of the feet. Anthropometric features, body balance and sports position influence the foot load profiles.

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Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree grantor:

Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu


Nowobilski, Roman ; Niedźwiedzki, Łukasz

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