In the doctora! dissertation consisting of 3 publications, the relationships between hyperuricemia and arteria) hypertension and cardiovascular diseases were examined in severa) stages. The first study indicates the potentia! pathophysiological mechanism of the influence of elevated uric acid (UA) levels on cardiovascular changes and the accompanying clinical changes. In hypertensive patients, UA may be involved in the process of atherogenesis, possibly in a metalloproteinase-mediated inflammatory mechanism. Another study looked at the effects of lowering UA concentration on the cardiovascular system. Reducing the concentration of UA in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia and hypertension may reduce the degree of organ changes associated with arteria! hypertension, mainly TMT thickness. The third study investigated the relationship between the concentration of A U and the occurrence of overt cardiovascular diseases, as well as the potentia) relationship between hyperuricemia and the severe course of COVID-19 disease. The analysis showed that cardiovascular disease is the strongest risk factor for death in patients hospitalized for COVTD-19. Patients with cardiovascular disease are characterized by higher concentrations of UA. However, hyperuricemia is not an independent factor influencing the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Determination of the concen ; tration of UA may be useful as a universal marker for suspecting the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne
May 27, 2024
Feb 6, 2024
Edition name | Date |
ZB-137151 | May 27, 2024 |
Gruszka, Krystian
Drygalski, Tomasz
Kołomańska-Bogucka, Daria
Skoczek, Adrianna
Sawczyńska, Katarzyna
Stopyra, Lidia