Care transitions in long-term care systems are often suboptimal. The aim of this dissertation is to identify which organizational and financial aspects affect care transitions, to inform the improvement of care transitions by identifying good practices as well as challenges particularly in the L TC systems of Germany, the Netherlands and Poland, and to develop an assessment tool for assessing the performance o1 L TC systems in relation to care transition. A wicfe range o methodologies were applied in this dissertation, including conceptualization, systematic literature review, document analysis, and qualitative study with the use of semistructured interviews. The results indicate that organizational aspects affecting care transition include: coordination of resources, communication among involved professional groups, transfer of information and care responsibility of the patient, training and education of staff, e-health, education and involvement of the patient and family, and social care. Financial aspects relate to the reimbursement, rewards and penalties. The results suggest that at present, care transitions of older adults in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland are suboptimal. According to key country informants, communication, transfer o1 information, coordination of resources and financial challenges related to reimbursement have an immense impact ; on care transitions.
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu
Evers, Silvia ; Sowada, Christoph ; Kocot, Ewa ; Pavlova, Milena
Jun 28, 2024
Jan 29, 2024
Edition name | Date |
ZB-139552 | Jun 28, 2024 |
Wieczorek, Estera
Stodolska, Agata
Kuźmicz, Ilona
Kańtoch, Anna Magdalena
Horwath, Urszula
Kijowska, Violetta