
Tytuł: Social support for labouring women versus satisfaction with obstetrical care


The theoretical part of the work describes the labour as a situation difficult for every labouring woman. This is an event that requires delivering the labouring woman social support understood as emotional, informational, evaluative, and service. The aim of this work was to evaluate support, expected and received by labouring women and its influence on the level of satisfaction with obstetrical care. The following methods and research tools were used in the study: the diagnostic survey, the questionnaire for social support evaluation, SATI self-report questionnaire, the verbal scale of pain intensity, the verbal scale of pain relief, and E/P Excellent Poor satisfaction scale. 358 women having traditional labour or family labour were involved in the study. The results were statistically analysed. The relations between the following variables were examined; expected and received support, intensity of pain, labouring pain relief, type of the labour, and level of satisfaction with medical care during the labour. The results allowed us to formulate the following conclusions; • Labouring women expect any kind of support from the accompanying people independently of the type of their labour. • There is no statistically significant influence of age, education, and the fact of participation in the labour school on the kind of expected support. • Wom ; en having family labour receive wider range of support and they gain higher levels of satisfaction. • Fear as a state and fear as a characteristic is more significant in women having traditional labour. • Women expect pain relief both in family and traditional labour. The evaluation of pain intensity in both types of labour was similar, but the evaluation of pain relief was much higher for family labour and it influenced the level of satisfaction of the labouring woman. The theoretical part of the work describes the labour as a situation difficult for every labouring woman. This is an event that requires delivering the labouring woman social support understood as emotional, informational, evaluative, and service. The aim of this work was to evaluate support, expected and received by labouring women and its influence on the level of satisfaction with obstetrical care. The following methods and research tools were used in the study: the diagnostic survey, the questionnaire for social support evaluation, SATI self-report questionnaire, the verbal scale of pain intensity, the verbal scale of pain relief, and E/P Excellent Poor satisfaction scale. 358 women having traditional labour or family labour were involved in the study. The results were statistically analysed. The relations between the following variables were examined; expected and received supp ; ort, intensity of pain, labouring pain relief, type of the labour, and level of satisfaction with medical care during the labour. The results allowed us to formulate the following conclusions; • Labouring women expect any kind of support from the accompanying people independently of the type of their labour. • There is no statistically significant influence of age, education, and the fact of participation in the labour school on the kind of expected support. • Women having family labour receive wider range of support and they gain higher levels of satisfaction. • Fear as a state and fear as a characteristic is more significant in women having traditional labour. • Women expect pain relief both in family and traditional labour. The evaluation of pain intensity in both types of labour was similar, but the evaluation of pain relief was much higher for family labour and it influenced the level of satisfaction of the labouring woman.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie



Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu


Reroń, Alfred

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

26 cze 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

15 lip 2022

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ZB-98988 26 cze 2023


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