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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Angioarchitecture of uterine cervix


100 uteri obtained from female cadavers aged 20-45, dissected in the Chair of Forensic Medicine of Jagiellonian University Medical College were studied according to angioarchitecture of the uterine cervix. The vascular beds of 58 uteri were injected with acrylic emulsion, while remaining 42 were injected with resin Mercox. Among 42 uteri 35 yielded quality acceptable for studies in SEM. Macroscopical and light microscopical studies of specimens injected with acrylic emulsion showed thepresence of 1-4 rami of uterine artery supplying the uterine cervix. These mentioned above rami are characterized by a different course regarding the longitudinal axis of the cervical canal, depending on the portion of the cervix. The course of the vessels in the supravaginal portion seems to be tortuous, almost at right angle considering the lumen of the cervical canal. In the median part the vessels supplying the cervix seem to be thicker, and on the periphery some circular peripheral vessels were denoted. The number of the vessels penetrating the cervix going towards the external os is reduced and the course of those which are localized nearer to the lumen is almost parallel. The low-vascular zone located centrally, mentioned by other authors was not denoted. It was difficult to inject the veins of the cervix, what could have been caused by the presence of the valves in their lumina. In the s ; pecimens injected with acrylic emulsions a low-vascular zone was observed, located at the border region between the cervix and the uterine body – however it wasn’t confirmed by SEM studies. Little, thin-walled vessels, filled with acrylic emulsion were found in histological slices, they were of larger caliber externally, and their lumina were smaller going towards the central area. In specimens stained for von Willebrandts factor a number of not filled vessels were found (arteries and veins), specially around the cervical canal, what proved poor penetration of the injection medium. SEM studies showed four vascular zone seen in sagittal sections of the supravaginal portion of the uterine cervix: large caliber afferent vessels; muscular zone vessels, vessels located around the canal (characterized by a dense composition) and vessels of the cervical canal. In the vessels situated around the canal certain depressions adjacent to corroded glands, were found. From another hand however the vessels of the cervical canal were represented mostly by the veins, united with afferent vessels almost at right angle, mostly capillaries. In the vaginal portion the vessels of the external zone were smaller, and the vessels of the cervical canal were located more superficially, not being coated with gentle capillary plexus. The capillaries joining these veins were almost parallel to longitudina ; l axis of the cervical canal. 6 conclusions were made regarding to possibility of SEM studies performed on the dissection material, differences in the arrangement of the vessels in the supravaginal and vaginal portion of uterine cervix and possible countercurrent vein-to-artery transport.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie



Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Walocha, Jerzy

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

13 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

3 cze 2022

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ZB-114708 13 mar 2023


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