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Juszczak, Aleksiej
Praca doktorska
The aim of the study was to analyze the anatomy of celiac trunk branching pattern on a sample of the Polish population based on cadaveric dissections. The anatomical variants were described with reference to the classification of the Japanese anatomist Buntaro Adachi. In 82% of cases, type I predominated in both the true and false celiac trunk configurations. The case of hepatic artery variations, significant for liver surgery and transplantology has also been described. The celiac trunk was then assessed based on multi-detector tomography (MDCT) analysis using contrast in a group of 1000 patients. As a result, three-dimensional reconstructions of celiac trunk models and its varieties were obtained. In view of the existing variations of the trunk and its branches, the legitimacy of performing MDCT with contrast and 3D reconstruction in patients qualified for interventional radiology, laparoscopic and traditional surgery procedures was emphasized. Due to the large number of MDCT abdominal angiographs analyzed, rare anatomical variants of the visceral trunk were distinguished and their clinical significance was highlighted.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Wydział Lekarski
Pasternak, Artur
pol; eng
18 gru 2024
23 maj 2022
Styl cytowania: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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