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Kwiatkowska, Karolina
Praca doktorska
The aim of the study was to analyze the cognitive functioning of children with AC located in the middle cranial fossa. Participants were 32 children, patients of the Clinic of Children's Neurosurgery, admitted between 2018 and 2020. Medical records of patients were analysed. Patients were assessed using the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SB 5) and PedsQL Questionnaire. The main conclusions of this research are: (1) In SB 5 tasks, the tested group performed worse than the population mean, which could be related to AC of the middle cranial fossa. (2) The results form quite inharmonious profiles with clearly weaker areas. (3) SB 5 is a useful tool for assessing patients with AC of middle cranial fossa. (4) In patients with AC, neuroimaging information has only limited predictive ability regarding cognitive syndromes. It is the integration of neuroimaging with neuropsychological data that provides the most relevant clinical information. (5) Neuropsychological assessment should be part of the management of all patients with AC. Neuropsychological control in patients with AC is crucial not only with regard to treatment decisions but primarily for monitoring school performance and providing these patients with adequate neuropsychological and psychological support.
2 - studia doktoranckie
psychologia ; neurologia
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu
Kwiatkowski, Stanisław ; Maryniak, Agnieszka
pol; eng
tylko w bibliotece
8 kwi 2024
23 maj 2022
Hałabuda, Agata
Styl cytowania: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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