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Pragnący, Katarzyna
Praca doktorska
The aim of the study is to increase the sense of agency in patients hospitalized in inpatient departments of a psychiatric hospital as a result of short-term therapeutic workshops based on the techniques of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, rational behavior therapy and mindfulness training. The study involved 96 patients who participated in therapeutic workshops (group A) and 87 patients who were the control group (group B). Patients in the experimental group participated in six ninety-minute workshops that were held twice a week over a three-week period. All 183 participants who were assessed twice (pre and post-test) during the duration of the workshop. The following questionnaires were used for the assessment: Demographic data questionnaire, IPC Scale, SPP-25 and SES by M. Rosenberg, Hamilton Depression Scale, examining the location of the sense of control, the sense of resilience, self-esteem and the level of severity of depressive symptoms. As a result of short-term therapeutic workshops, the patients experienced a change in their sense of agency in terms of reducing external control and faith in luck / chance, and an increase in the sense of resilience in the dimensions: optimistic attitude to life and the ability to mobilize in difficult situations.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne
Furgał, Mariusz
tylko w bibliotece
Apr 8, 2024
Mar 29, 2022
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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