Postpartum is a particularly exhausting time for a woman, puerperal complications can be a threat to health and life and additionally hinder the bond with the newborn. The aim of the study was a retrospective assessment of the epidemiology of puerperal complications in years 2013-2015 with particular emphasis on infections. The study was carried out in two research areas, using data collected as part of the ongoing operations of National Health Fund, concerned 68 894 deliveries and data from active surveillance of infections using the ECDC methodology, concerned 7 664 caesarean sections (CS). In the examined period vaginal delivery dominated, which accounted for 56.5%, the prevalencee of natural births without episiotomy was 22.9%, CS was performed in 43.5% of women giving birth. Incidence of surgical site infections after CS was 0.5%, microbiological confirmation of the etiological factor was obtained in 57.5% of cases. Re-hospitalizations in the postpartum period affected 1.7% of women - mainly those living in the countryside and those who gave birth in hospitals with a lower reference level. In 48.7% of cases, the cause of rehospitalization was infection. The presented results indicate a high level of medicalization of labor and significant problems in the surveillance of perinatal complications i.e. low sensitivity in infection control, poor access to effective obstet ; ric care except of women living in big cities. The results obtained indicate the urgent need for intervention in the field of improving obstetric care as well as prevention and infection control.
położnictwo ; mikrobiologia ; epidemiologia
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu
Wójkowska-Mach, Jadwiga ; Matuszyk, Dorota
Apr 8, 2024
Feb 8, 2022
Edition name | Date |
ZB-132632 | Apr 8, 2024 |
Kopeć-Godlewska, Katarzyna
Matuszyk, Dorota
Pośpiech-Gąsior, Katarzyna
Kot, Justyna
Tim, Sabina
Kołomańska-Bogucka, Daria
Kołomańska-Bogucka, Daria