The aim of the study was to analise the relationship between the presence of DTC in the bone marrow, HLA-A2 expression on somatic cells, level of Treg in peripheral blood in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer in various stages of disease and long-term survival. The study included 109 consecutive patients treated for colorectal cancer at the First Department of General, Oncological and Gastroenterological Surgery Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University. Patients bone marrow and peripheral blood was taken for analysis prior to elective surgery. The DTC in bone marrow were diagnosed in 46.1% of patients. The presence of DTC in the bone marrow is not associated with primary tumor characteristics and seems to diminish metastasis formation in left-sided colorectal cancer. There is also a trend for improved overall survival for DCT positive patients.. These results, however, require further confirmation in larger groups of patients. HLA-A2 status may affect the clinical course of patients with left-sided colon and rectal cancer, although left-sided tumors are less immunogenic than right-sided ones. HLA-A2 positive patients with left-sided colorectal cancer lived statistically longer than those who were HLA-A2 negative (p=0,027). Lack of HLA-A2 expression was a negative prognostic factor in the group of radically operated patients. The absolute number of Treg in the ; peripheral blood of patients with left-sided colorectal cancer was significantly decreased in comparison to healthy controls, especially for patients with stage II + III disease. Treg presence in the peripheral blood had no impact on survival.
12 choroby układu trawiennego ; onkologia
Pach, Radosław ; Szczepanik, Antoni
Jun 30, 2022
Feb 3, 2022
Edition name | Date |
ZB-132585 | Jun 30, 2022 |
Dyląg, Katarzyna
Dyląg, Katarzyna
Link-Lenczowska, Dorota