The thesis is intended to describe psychophysical and psychosocial functioning as well as cognitive functioning of patients with temporomandibular disorders with the predominance of muscle component and to assess changes that follow several weeks of comprehensive therapy. An important aim of the work was to draw attention to potential covariation between the quality of life of patients depending on their general health and cognitive functioning. A series of longitudinal studies described in this work was based on a number of psychological questionnaires as well as clinical scales. The results of the study indicate that temporomandibular disorders with the predominance of the muscle component with the comorbid chronic pain are accompanied by a generally lower quality of life of patients compared to disorders deprived of pathological chronic pain. A lower quality of life is facilitated by certain parameters of pain (localization, consistency), as well as psychological factors (greater awareness of factors changing the pain experience, experiencing pain through the prism of experienced emotions). The dominant cognitive problems relating to patients with chronic muscular pain associated with temporomandibular disorders concentrate on their executive functions. Comprehensive therapy of temporomandibular disorders improves attention mainly. Changes in the perceived health-related qu ; ality of life remain diversified in relation to cognitive functions and quality of life areas.
Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu
Apr 8, 2024
Feb 2, 2022
Edition name | Date |
ZB-132336 | Apr 8, 2024 |
Biegańska-Banaś, Joanna
Liberacka-Lenart, Donata
Osiewicz, Magdalena
Kamtoh Tebug, Georges.
Kadłubowska, Monika
Górecka, Małgorzata
Rybicka, Monika Elżbieta