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Dygut, Jacek
Praca doktorska
The doctoral thesis was focused on the use of simulation techniques in issues conceming various levels of organization of the human body in the context of the orthopaedics and medical rehabilitation. The individual simulation and analysis stages concemed specific issues were carried out. -> The molecular level - was based on the analysis of the muscle protein structure which is dystrophin -> The tissue level - the research has been brought to the stage of providing information necessary to develop a simulation model to describe the effect of bioactive components from cabbage on the reduction of swelling in the knee joints. -> The organ level - the model has been described based on the analysis of the dynamics of the knee joint and the reconstruction of the transversal arch of the foot. -> The diagnostic and therapeutic level - the tasks were carried out based on the virtual patient system which is used to simulate decision in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. The achievements related to the implementation of the project constituting the scope of the doctoral dissertation were published in intemational biomedical joumals. The elaboration of the discussed topie was included in review papers, the chapter in the book and original papers conceming simulation and analysis in orthopaedics and medical rehabilitation.
2 - studia doktoranckie
informatyka medyczna
Wydział Lekarski
Roterman-Konieczna, Irena ; Piwowar, Monika
pol; eng
Jun 26, 2023
Oct 8, 2020
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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