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Wierzbicka-Tutka, Iga
Praca doktorska
Histopathology of pituitary carcinomas and locally invasive adenomas are indistinguishable from benign tumors. The aim of the study was to evaluate PTTG, PTMA, VEGF, AIP and Topo 2A as potential markers of the progression of the disease, size and local invasiveness of pituitary adenoma. The research consisted of three studies, which comprised of 55, 27 and 31 patients respectively.The Ki-67, PTTG, PTMA, VEGF, AIP, Topo 2A indices were determined by immunohistochemical staining. The relationship between markers and progression of the disease, radiological images and hormonal activity and immunohistochemistry of the tumor as well as gender and age of patients, was studied. Positive expression of Ki-67, PTTG, PTMA, VEGF, AIP and Topo2A was observed in the majority of pituitary adenomas. Besides of PTMA-n they were not related to the tumor progression. Only Ki-67, PTMA-n and Topo 2A expression correlated with tumor size. Ki-67 and Topo 2A expression was found to be related with tumor invasiveness.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Wydział Lekarski
Gołkowski, Filip
pol; eng
tylko w bibliotece
Jul 6, 2022
Oct 5, 2020
Kwinta, Borys
Citation style: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date chicago-author-date
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