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Title: Impact of dietary habits on oral cavity health and dental treatment needs of university students


Introduction: Diet is a factor that modifies the course of many systemic diseases. It has been reported that our nutrition affects also the health of the oral cavity - initiation and course of dental caries, loss of tooth enamel caused by erosion and periodontium diseases. However, there are few publications in Polish literature that would discuss such relations.Aim of the thesis: The aim of the thesis was to explore and assess the oral cavity health and dental treatment needs of academic students with respect to their dietary habits and selected anthropometric parameters.Material and methods: The examined population included 50 women and 45 men aged 19-21. During each dental exam, the following dental indices were assessed: API, BoP, CPI, DMF as well as occurrence of dental erosion. An anthropometric test was also conducted, which covered the following elements: body weight, height, waist circumference, thickness of skinfolds (abdominal, subscapularis, above triceps brachii muscle), arm circumference, fat mass (FM) of the body, fat mass percentage (%FM), fat free mass (FFM), total body water (TBW), and BMI index. The frequency of product consumption and food preferences were assessed based on research questionnaires filled out by research participants.Results: The average value of API in the group of the examined first year students was 52.97%, while the BoP value was as follo ; ws - half of the students had the BoP index lower and half of them higher than 15% (gap = 71). The average value of DMF in the group of women and men was 9.92, whereas dental erosion occurred in 44.21% of examined persons. 11.58% of the examined population was characterized by CPI 0, 30.53% CPI 1 and 57.89% CPI 2. No cases of persons with CPI 3 and CPI 4 were recorded.The value of the API index was lower among women who eat meat, fish, vegetable fats and cereal products on a daily basis, and among men who consume raw vegetables, fruit and cereal products every day. In total (for women and men), the API index depended on consumption of meat, fish, vegetable fat, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Women who consume vegetable fat on a daily basis, and men who eat fruit, vegetables and drink alcoholic beverages less often than once a week showed a lower BoP index. In total, the BoP index among the examined persons depended on consumption of milk, milk products, fruit, vegetables and juice. The DMF value was lower among women who eat fruit and vegetables every day, and higher in women who consume chips more often than once a week. Daily consumption of cereal products both by women and men resulted in an increase of the DMF index. In the women’s group, occurrence of dental erosion did not depend on a daily consumption of any of products. In men who eat meat, fish, fruit and veget ; able every day, the erosion occurred more often. The presence of enamel erosion amongwomen and men in total depended on consumption of alcohol.The BoP and the DMF indices were higher among overweight or obese persons (BMI). In the group of men, the value of API grew along with the values of waist circumference and thickness of the skinfold above the triceps brachii muscle, whereas BoP together with the increase of waist circumference and percentage content of fat in the body (%FM).Conclusions: The conducted research has shown that there is astatistically significant dependency between the health of our teeth as well as periodontium tissues and human dietary habits. After analyzing the impact of nutrients on the oral cavity, it can be assumed that proper modification and supplementation of our diet will have a positive effect on teeth and their upholding tissues as well as improve the results of dental treatment, including periodontal treatment.

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Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

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Degree grantor:

Wydział Lekarski


Chomyszyn-Gajewska, Maria

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