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Tytuł: Application of anodic stripping voltammetry to zinc release from fungal material to artificial digestive juices


Due to the importance of health-promoting, it is necessary to adapt the methods for testing the food ingredients release to digestive juices especially for these compounds which are used for pharmaceutical forms of drugs. In the study were used two methods for extraction of freeze-dried fruiting bodies of edible mushroom Boletus badius to artificial saliva, gastric and intestinal juice. Due to the fact that mushrooms are occasionally eaten raw (white bottom mushroom, Mun mushroom) in presented study was made thermal processing which mimics the preparation of dishes with mushrooms. For the determination of zinc(II) ions released into the artificial digestive juices from selected edible mushrooms before and after the thermal processing were used fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms: Boletus badius, Boletus edulis, Cantharellus cibarius, Leccinum scabrum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Suillus bovinus. The method of impulse differential anodic stripping vo ltammetry (DP ASV) was used for analysis. The total amount of zinc released from a thermally treated fruiting bodies ranged from 2.22-20.68 mg/100 g dry weight, while the sample was slightly lower from thermally unprocessed mushrooms and ranged from0.18 to 0.28 mg/100 g dry weight. The highest amount of zinc was determined after incubation for 15 and 60 minutes in artificial gastric juice, for thermally- processed fruiting bodies of the tw ; o Boletaceae species: B. badius and B. edulis. For other species of thermally processed fruiting bodies incubation time in gastric juice for 120 minutes provided to a decrease in the amount of zinc. For fruiting bodies of C. cibarius after thermal processing, resulting in a slight increase in the release of zinc ( in the range of 3.83 to 4.99 mg/100 g dry weight) compared to thermally untreated mushroom (respectively 2.69-3.75 mg/100 g dry weight) was observed. Mushroom fruiting bodies thermally treated to be disadvantageous in terms of much larger quantity of zinc released from B. badius, B. edulis and C. cibarius fruiting bodies to the artificial digestive juices and proved that these species are the good source of this element for human body. In the case of fruiting S. bovinus and L. scabrum thermal processing resulted in a partial reduction in the amount of released zinc, but still cooked mushrooms are effective source of this element.The obtained mushroom extracts analysis for the content of zinc by the different mineralization methods were further validated assay for DP ASV method. Recovery after digestion in a muffle furnace was 72.15%. In mineralization method by UV and with the addition of a solution of concentrated nitric acid (V) recovery was 89.41% and by microwave with the addition of concentrated nitric acid solution(V) recovery was at 95.68%. There were also anal ; yzed differences in the concentrations of zinc designated by the digestion extract using various methods: the highest recovery achieved for microwave mineralization (over 95%). In the present experiment demo started that the fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms are a good source of zinc in the human diet.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


chemia ; biochemia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Farmaceutyczny


Opoka, Włodzimierz ; Muszyńska, Bożena

Data wydania:






pol; eng

Prawa dostępu:

tylko w bibliotece

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

16 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

20 wrz 2016

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ZB-124974 16 mar 2023


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