GOALS: Analysis of nosocomial infections in neurosurgery ward from 2003 to 2012.INTRODUCTION: Analysis was carried out on 13351 hospitalized patients, during the time span of 10 years.METHODOLOGY: Basic inclusion criterion for data was usage of unified definitions of nosocomial infection by ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control), enabling diagnosis of specific types of nosocomial infections. Criterion for conducting statistical analysis was usage of standard, unified tools in a form of an infection registration card and an apropriate computer program.RESULTS: Surgical site infections (SSI) were the most common infection type, comprising the 27.1% of all infections. The second most common were bloodstream infections (BSI) with 24.8%. The third most common were pneumoniae (PN) with 24.6%. The fourth most common infections were urinary tract infections (UTI) comprising the 14.3% of all infections. Next were gastrointenstinal system infections (GI) comprising the 6.8% of all cases. The least common were skin and soft tiussue infections (SST) with 2.3%. Incidence of SSI varied in the specific types of interventions: LAM (0.93%); FUSN (3.32%); CRAN (2.44%); VSHN (3.75%); OTH (0.23%). Staphylococcus aureus was dominating among etiological factors isolated from patients diagnosed with SSI, BSI i SST, Acinetobacter baumannii was most common factor detected in PN, Esch ; erichia coli in UTI, Clostridium difficile in GI.CONCLUSIONS: Ten year observation of infections occuring in neurosurgery ward showed the possibility for conducting a very accurate epidemiological analysis of nosocomial infections.
neurochirurgia ; mikrobiologia
Jun 26, 2023
Nov 25, 2014
1 261
Edition name | Date |
ZB-121244 | Jun 26, 2023 |
Wałaszek, Marta
Jawień, Mirosław
Mrowiec, Paulina
Drzewiecki, Artur
Skowron, Beata