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Czyż, Piotr
Praca doktorska
Research aim. The study objective was to conduct a comparative analysis andexplain the significance and power of selected psychopathological and personalityvariables in allergic and non-allergic asthma patients in the clinical picture of bothdisorders.Material and methods. The study covered 93 patients suffering from bronchialasthma treated in an outpatient clinic. Women made up 66% and allergic asthmapatients 67%. The patients underwent: structured anamnesis, basic forced volumevital capacity and dyspnea test. Measured: anxiety level by Spielberger's Inventory;depression intensity by Beck’s Depression Inventory; neuroticism and extraversionintroversionby Eysenck Questionnaire and locus of control by Rotter's I-E Scale.Results. There are no significant differences in psychopathology and personalityprofiles between the asthma patients. Yet gender differentiated them in terms ofpsychopathology. Extraversion intensity was related to disease duration. The clinicalform of asthma blurred gender differences in neurotics. Intensified dyspnea andspirometry results correlate with asthma psychological background.Conclusions. Psychological variables moderate asthma progression in adults, butthere is no difference in its clinical forms. Decrease in extraversion during the illnessdevelopment can be considered an adaptive mechanism.
2 - studia doktoranckie
psychiatria ; pulmonologia
Wydział Lekarski
De Barbaro, Bogdan
tylko w bibliotece
17 mar 2023
7 kwi 2014
Przybyszowski, Marek
Tomczak, Piotr
Chmielewska, Anna
Lesiak-Bednarek, Anna
Citkowska-Kisielewska, Anna
Styl cytowania: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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