Obesity is a disorder of the balance between the energy supplied to the body and itsconsumption, which, coinciding with genetic and environmental conditions, causesexcessive accumulation of body fat. In perimenopausal women weight gain and thusoverweight and obesity are observed with unfavorable redistribution of body fataround the abdomen . Both stress urinary incontinence and obesity are factorsaffecting the quality of life in differentareas.The aim of the study was to assess the effect of selected dietary behaviors on thequality of life in women with stress urinary incontinence compared with women inwhom the disorderwasnotdiagnosed.The study was retrospective and covered 100 patients hospitalized in theDepartments of Gynecology at the Medical College University Hospital in Krakowdue to diagnosed stress urinary incontinence, and a control group, which consisted of100 patients hospitalized at Gynecological wards due to other gynaecologicaldisordersThe analysis led to the following conclusions:1. The respondents with stress urinary incontinence have inappropriate dietaryhabits, they eat meals irregularly and have snacks between main meals, there are notenough fruits and vegetables in their diets. Such dietary behaviours affectthe increase of BMI, WHR and BF% leading to overweight and obesity, thus beingrisk factors for occurence of stress urinary incontinence2. The analysis of ; quality of life assessment according to the SF 36 questionnaireshowed that patients with stress urinary incontinence are characterized by low selfesteemin all areas of the overall physical and mental health .3. The relationship between anthropometric indicators and overall physical healthassessment indicates a negative correlation between them. This means that, for thewomen in the study group, the higher BMI they have the lower they assess theirphysical health, and also the greater the value of WHR and % of body fat they havethe lower they assess their quality of life in the area of physical health.4. The studied population of women should be educated on proper nutrition and ahealthy lifestyle, as their current dietary habits affect the occurrence of overweightand obesity, which reduce their quality of life.
Mar 20, 2023
Mar 12, 2014
Edition name | Date |
ZB-120304 | Mar 20, 2023 |
Madetko, Renata
Kin-Dąbrowska, Joanna
Błaszczyk-Bębenek, Ewa
Ostrowski, Ireneusz
Jagielski, Paweł
Drygalski, Tomasz