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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Evaluation of arterial stiffness in patients with coronary atherosclerosis, cardiac syndrome X and systemic lupus erythematosus


Objectives: Arterial stiffness ia a risk factor of atherosclerosis and cardio-vascular complications. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease in which patients’ prognosis depends contemporarily mainly on the progression of premature atherosclerosis. Aim: To assess arterial stiffness in patients with coronary atherosclerosis (CA), cardiac syndrome X (CSX) and SLE, comparison the results with risk factors of atherosclerosis and with inflammatory markers, to determine the possible efficacy of atorvastatin on arterial stiffness in patients with SLE.Material and methods: Patients with CSX (n=44), CA (n=44), SLE (n=29). SLE patients were randomized to atorvastatin group (40 mg daily, n=14) or placebo group (n=15). Levels of cholesterol, CRP, C3c and C4 were obtained. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured; patients with SLE were examined at baseline and after 1-year follow-up. Pulse wave analysis (PWA) was performed in CA and CSX group.Results: CSX patients had lower PWV (9,63±1,69 m/s) as compared to CA (11,53±2,19 m/s) and higher as compared to CG (8,07±1,03m/s). PWV in CSX and SLE (8,87±2,1 m/s) were similar. PWV increased with age and blood pressure. Diabetes mellitus and smoking increased PWV only in CA group. Inflammatory markers didn’t influence PWV. After 1-year follow-up the tendency to PWV decrease was observed in atorvastatin group (8,67±1,44 m/s vs 7,8 ; 3±1,45 m/s; p=0,12), without any change in placebo group (8,84±1,79 m/s vs 8,73±1,69 m/s; p = 0,75). Conclusions: Patients with CA have the highest arterial stiffness and significantly higher peripheral and central blood pressure. SLE patients have higher arterial stiffness as compared to CG and similar as compared to CSX group. Age and arterial hypertension are independent factors that increase arterial stiffness. Diabetes mellitus and smoking increase arterial stiffness among CA patients. Inflammatory markers do not influence arterial stiffness. One-year treatment with atorvastatin 40 mg daily decreases the level of inflammatory markers in SLE patients. It decreases PWV, but there was no significance in this study, only a trend.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


choroby układu krążenia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Podolec, Piotr

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

13 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

7 lis 2013

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ZB-118867 13 mar 2023


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