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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: The role of endothelium and disturbances of blood flowautoregulationin the pathogenesis of reflex syncope


The aim of the study was to evaluate: the role of endothelial function in thepathogenesis of vasovagal syncope (VVS) using flow-mediated dilation (FMD) andendothelium-independent dilation (EID); the significance of FMD and EID aspredictive factors of VVS during head-up tilt test (HUTT); the relationship betweenFMD and EID and the type of response to orthostatic stress according to VASIScriteria; the usefulness of ultrasonographic parameters calculated from the pulsedDoppler velocity signal obtained during the study of FMD and EID: maximumvelocity (Vmax), minimum velocity (Vmin), end-diastolic velocity (EDV), timeaveraged maximum velocity (TAMX), pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI)in diagnosis of reflex syncope. The study comprised 80 subjects: gr. A: 50 pts withVVS, aged 17-39 yrs (mean 26.6±7.5), including 39 (78%) women and gr. K: 30subjects without VVS, aged 17-40 yrs (mean 29.7±5.7) including 23 (76.7%)women. Values of FMD and EID in pts with VVS were significantly greater thanthose in controls. It may point that the augmented endothelial function plays animportant role in VVS. The cut-off points for FMD ≥ 10,49% and for EID ≥ 27.64%were predicting syncope occurrence during HUTT with sensitivity respectivly: 100%and 64.6% and specificity: 87.5% both for FMD and EID. Independent predictors ofVVS occurrence during HUTT were: FMD, EDV during D2 phase of FMD and EI ; Dassessment and DBP in supine position. It was not demonstrated any importantrelationship between the type of response to orthostatic stress according to VASIScriteria and values of FMD, EID and the differrences between PI and RI indices.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


neurologia ; patofizjologia

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Piwowarska, Wiesława

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

14 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

25 mar 2013

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ZB-117821 14 mar 2023


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