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Title: Oral cavity status and chosen proinflammatory markers in patients with Oral Lichen Planus


Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Pathological changes covering oral mucosa are called OLP – Oral Lichen Planus. A course of this disease is quite difficult to predict as it proceeds with the periods of both exacerbations and complete or partial remissions. An etiology of this disease has not been discovered yet, however in the oral cavities of people suffering from OLP a number of cytokines were found.The research aimed to examine whether there is any connection between the existence of pathological changes typical for LP in peoples’ mouth and between chosen parameters of IL-6 cytokine, neopterin and CRP protein (which are visible in a blood serum and saliva) and morphological parameters of blood. It was also analysed if a concentration of studied factors has any influence on the degree of dysfunction of oral mucosa and whether there is any kind of correlation between the degree of factors’ concentration and the morphological form of disease.The examination of patients who were clinically diagnosed with LP or OLP included the medical history and clinical study of their oral cavities (according to the prepared questionnaire). The clinical study of patients oral cavities covered a qualitative assessment of mouth condition, specifying the Approximal Plaque Index, the condition of teeth: dental diagram, the intensity of too ; th decay (PUW), the valuation of a condition of alveolar tissues using the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) and Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI), as well as the quality of oral mucosa. Tests of chosen laboratory indexes were taken from saliva’s and blood’s samples.The obtained results were subjected to a statistical analysis. Depending on the data, the following tests were used: Kołmogorow-Smirnow, t-Student, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, post-hoc, Chi-kwadrat Pearson, Fisher. Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to define the correlation. Essential results were those if p<0,05.The received results were presented graphically. They indicate the significant statistical differences between the group of patients suffering from LP and the control group while considering the condition of alveolar tissues. However, some of them depended on age (API, CPITN, PUW). The rate of SBI was much higher in the LP group (p=0,0322) and this difference was not influenced by age factor.Indicators of blood inflammation marked in the blood serum of researched and control groups were within assigned range but their amount was higher in the researched group of patients. The level of inflammatory parameters denoted in saliva was also higher in researched group than in control group and the significant difference, not connected with age was revealed for IL-6 (p=0,0034).It was s ; hown that there are differences concerning the occurrence of red blood cells, between a subgroup of patients with erosive lesions in oral cavity and a subgroup with reticular form of OLP – in group of patients with erosive lesions in oral cavity: higher number of RBC (p=0,0446), lower MCH (p=0,0075), MCHC (p=0,0065) and IL-6 in saliva.The highest growth of IL-6 concentration is found in a group of people with abscessing form of OLP than with reticular form of OLP (p=0,0085). It indicates that it can occur some kind of relation between the concentration of IL-6 and the level of oral mucosa in oral cavity.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

stomatologia ; dermatologia

Degree grantor:

Wydział Lekarski


Chomyszyn-Gajewska, Maria

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ZB-116301 Mar 17, 2023


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