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Szafirska, Małgorzata
Praca doktorska
The aim of the study was the assessment of white and grey matter of MS patients,using 1HMRS. With the use of MR 1,5T system, 90 patients with MS wereperformed MR imaging and 1HMRS: 20 CIS, 50 RR, 20 SP. Absolute levels ofNAA, Cr, Cho, mI, Lip, Lac and ratios of NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, mI/Cr, Lip/Cr andLac/Cr obtained from lesions, NAWM, cortical grey matter and thalamic grey matterwere calculated.The following statistically significant changes were obtained. In lesions decrease ofNAA/Cr ratio and increase of Cho/Cr ratio were observed in all patients groups. InRR, SP forms increase of mI/Cr ratio and in CIS form increase of Lip/Cr and Lac/Crratios were detected. In NAWM decrease of NAA/Cr ratio was observed in allpatients groups. In RR, SP forms increase of Cho/Cr ratio and in RR form increaseof mI/Cr ratio were detected. In cortical grey matter decrease of NAA/Cr ratio wasobserved in all patients groups. In RR, SP forms decrease of Cho/Cr ratio and in SPform increase of Lip/Cr and Lac/Cr ratios were detected. In thalamus decrease ofNAA/Cr ratio was observed in all patients groups. In SP form increase of mI/Cr ratiowas detected. The correlation between EDSS and NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr ratios inNAWM, between EDSS and Lip/Cr, mI/Cr in lesions were shown. The metabolicabnormalities in MS patients may be detected using 1HMRS. The changes are seenin white and grey matter of brain.
2 - studia doktoranckie
Wydział Lekarski
Urbanik, Andrzej
tylko w bibliotece
17 mar 2023
6 mar 2013
Cichocka, Monika
Tutaj, Monika
Styl cytowania: chicago-author-date iso690-author-date
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