Schizophrenia 1s a severe mental disorder with complex psychopathology and various courses. One of the impacts that could influence symptoms and course of the illness are ego mechanisms of defense. Objectives of this invcstigation are description of changes in psychopathological state and changes 111 defense mechanisms occurring during therapy in Day Treatment Center. The experimcntal group consisted of 55 persons suffering from schizophrenia - spectrum disorder. The study was a pre - post design. The first investigation took place two weeks after admission in Day Treatment Center and the second in the last week of therapy (average time of hospitalization was 3 months). Psychopathological state was examined according to the PANSS scale. Defense mechanisms were investigated with the Defense Style Questionnaire 40 and Questionnaire for Therapist. The results of the study show significant changes occurring both in psychopathological state, as well as defensive functioning of the patients during the therapy. Changes in psychopathological state occurred in all subscales of PANSS scale: positive, negative and global. Changes in defcnse mcchanisms occurred in mature factor of defense mechanisms and in two separate immature mechanisms: autistic fantasies and displacement. A change in defense mechanisms did not influence changes that occurred in psychopathological state. This ; could mean that psychopathological state - Axis I in DSM IV and defense mechanisms - part of the Axis II are partly independent elements.
Jul 18, 2022
Nov 21, 2012
Edition name | Date |
ZB-102850 | Jul 18, 2022 |
Tomczak, Piotr
Stolarska, Urszula
Wieczorek, Aleksandra
Błądziński, Piotr
Skorupska-Król, Agnieszka