The main aim of this study was: Revealing the gender differences in the localization of the brain emotional centres. Proving the influence of the emotional condition (positive, negative) on the emotional brain activity in females and males. Forty young volunteers (age range 18-36years), 21 men and 19 women saved as subjects. Volunteers were examined in the Signa 1.5T MR system. Functional images were acquired using the EPI sequence sensitive to blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast. In experimental condition subjects were shown affectivly negative and positive pictures taken from the IAPS (International Affecive Picture System). The results of his study clearly showed, that activity of the brain emotional centres depends on the gender and type of stimuli. This study revealed the differences in localization of brain emotional centres in females and males according such factors as gender and kind of stimuli. Activation of the brain emotional centers depends on the valence of emotion and differs according positive and negative emotion in males and females. Lack of decisive differences in the amygdale activity for described conditions, confirms the crucial role of amygdala in the emotional processing of positive and negative emotion in both genders. Additional confirmation of this conclusion are the results of the simple effects, proving significant bilateral activity o ; f the amygdala in the females and males, for the negative as well as positive condition.
Jun 26, 2023
Nov 21, 2012
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Edition name | Date |
ZB-105755 | Jun 26, 2023 |
Podsiadło, Lilianna
Kozub, Justyna
Pastuszak-Draxler, Anna
Ceklarz, Jan
Epa, Roksana
Bazarnik, Anna Barbara
Tutaj, Marcin
Krawczyk-Pasławska, Elżbieta