
Title: Prevention of cardiovascular disease in the daily papers in Cracow and Chicago in the years 1994 and 2004


The disorders of the cardiovascular system constitute one of the major health problems in the contemporary human population. One of the most basie tools of prevention is educating and informing people about the risk factors with the use of the mass media as they constitute an element of the contemporary population lifestyle. The frequency and the content of the publications on circulatory disease prevention as well as on the chosen risk factors in the Chicago and Krakow press in 1994 and 2004 have been compared to the epidemiological indicators. The health issues addressed in the newspapers have also been analyzed. The project concems the areas of epidemiology, public health and mass communication. The content analysis has been performed as a random trial on the health publications appearing in the chosen papers from Krakow and Chicago: 921 publications were chosen from the Chicago press and 804 from the Krakow press of 2004; 925 from the Chicago and 4 77 from the Krakow press of 1994. The performed analysis has revealed that cardiovascular disease prevention is a subject which is often discussed in the daily papers ( 17% in Chicago and I 0% in Krakow in 2004 and 20% in Chicago and 12% in Krakow in 1994). The issues connected with the risk factors constituted 15.6% and 8.2% of all the health publications in Chicago and Krakow in 2004 respectively. Diet (2004) and smoking ( ; 1994) appeared to be the most popular risk factors. Chicago press supports cardiovascular disease prevention more extensively. Krakow press reflects most commonly the epidemiological changes, which is unfavorable in view of the stili considerable risk of the development of these diseases in Poland. The time shift between 1994 in Chicago and 2004 in Krakow has not been observed in reference to the subject of circulatory disorders, prevention and risk factors. The similarity between the choice of the topie and the epidemiological situation in both cities has been noted. The errors conceming the subject matter have not been found. At the same time, there is a need for a greater participation of the mass media in Krakow in the prevention of the main health problems.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

choroby układu krążenia ; zdrowie publiczne

Degree grantor:

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu


Włodarczyk, Włodzimierz

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