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Tytuł: Magnetically induced stimulation of vagal nerve and foot intake and body mass


The aim of this study was to determine optima} parameters of vagal neuromodulation to achieve decrease in food intake and subsequently body mass in rats. Because polypeptide P (PP) release is regulated by long vago-vagal reflexes, peripheral PP concentration was used as an indicator of vagal stimulation effectiveness. Seventy two obese Wistar adult male rats were divided into three groups: VEMF - a group with implantation of microchip on the left vagal nerve, in the magnetic field exposure; EMF - a group with inactive microchip in the magnetic field exposure and CON - a group with inactive microchip, outside the magnetic field exposure. Pulsating magnetic field was used as a source of energy for microprocessor in aur study. The rats with microchip on the left vagal nerve (VEMF) considerably decreased their food intake and body mass during stimulation period compared with control groups in and outside magnetic field exposure. The most effective parameters of electromagnetic stimulation in reducing of food intake and body weight were the last three doses of magnetic field used in this experiment. The group with active microchip contained the highest plasma PP levels (p=0,000) showing the effectiveness of vagal stimulation and excluding its damage. The influence of magnetic field on feeding behaviour was also observed in our experiment. Our results suggest that vagal neuromodulati ; on would be a novel and promising therapy for the treatment of obesity, however further studies are required to confirm this effect in human and determine optimal parameters and timing of stimulation.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie



Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Thor, Piotr

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

18 sty 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

21 lis 2012

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ZB-105569 18 sty 2023


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