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Title: Immunohistochemical diagnosis of early myocardial infarction in postmortem medico-legal examination


Postmortem diagnosis of a “well developed” myocardial infarction is not difficult. In the initial stages of infarction, however the first drawbacks in gross anatomy examination are present. They result from problems associated with differentiation of foci of infarction from undamaged muscle of the heart. Microscopic diagnosis of a “fresh” myocardial infarction applying a basic routine staining method (haematoxylin / eosin) is not sufficient either. This makes it necessary to use additional special staining techniques to resolve diagnostic problems thus verifying a precise diagnosis. The aim of this research was to apply immunohistochemical C9 staining technique as a postmortem diagnostic method in cases of recent myocardial infarction in the field of forensic medicine, evaluation of results and a comparison with the previously used Nielsen – Selye staining method. The specimens examined were taken from the heart muscle in 90 autopsy cases: - positively diagnosed cases of myocardial infarction - during autopsies and verified by routine staining examination (5), - clinically positively diagnosed cases of myocardial infarction, without autopsy verification and microscopy using the routine staining method (5), - sudden deaths with symptoms of acute circulatory failure due to cardiac causes (50), - control groups (30). The research carried out proved the specificity of the immunohis ; tochemical C9 staining method in cases of myocardial damage related to focal ischemia. It also gave evidence of greater usefulness of this method compared to the Nielsen – Selye staining method in postmortem diagnostics of recent stages of myocardial infarction.

Place of publishing:


Level of degree:

2 - studia doktoranckie

Degree discipline:

choroby układu krążenia ; medycyna sądowa

Degree grantor:

Wydział Lekarski


Trela, Franciszek M.

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ZB-105399 Jan 27, 2023


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