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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy z określonej puli adresów ip.

Tytuł: Children's nosocomial infections


The study concerns 272232 children from 120 hospitals in Poland ( 4219 nosocomially infected patients). Patients with nosocomial infections have been subdivided into age groups. Subcategories have been carved out within the newborns group, reflecting the gestational age, perinatal anamnesis and birth weight. A determination has been made of the incidence of given clinical forms of nosocomial infections, alongside the severity of symptoms as a function of corresponding risk factors. An assessment has been made of the frequency of the application of risk factors, such as vascular catheters, respirators and others. Special attention has been paid to the correlation between a nosocomial infection and adverse factors affecting the foetus during gestation, parturitional circumstances, or the condition of the newborn following birth. In addition, an evaluation has been made of the effect of breastfeeding on the child's development and on the intensity profile of nosocomial infections. The prevalence has been found at 1,8/100 patients and displays age group differentiations. An interdependence has been established between a given clinical form of infection and the child's age. The intensity profile of the course of the infection has been found out as varying in accordance with its clinical form. With newborns, the incidence of a particular clinical form and its intensity profile de ; pend on the child's general condition, gestational age and birth weight. The study has evidenced coincidence of selected risk factors in nosocomial infections. The influence of breastfeeding has been confirmed on the clinical course of all types of nosocomial infections and prophylactic effect on the incidence of the majority ofnosocomial infections.

Miejsce wydania:


Stopień studiów:

2 - studia doktoranckie


choroby zakaźne ; pediatria

Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Wydział Lekarski


Bulanda, Małgorzata

Data wydania:







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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

30 lip 2024

Data dodania obiektu:

21 lis 2012

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Nazwa wydania Data
ZB-105319 30 lip 2024


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