The aim of the present study was the estimation of localization differences of language specific areas for the native (L1) and the foreign (L2) language in the same person, and the influence of age of acquisition and proficiency level on activation patterns of language areas. 64 volunteers participated in the experiment. Mean age was 28 years. All participants of the experiment were divided into groups according to the age of acquisition and proficiency level of the foreign language. Block design method was used in the performed experiment. The experimental task was speech production in the form of sentences, the control tusk was silence. The experiment was performed using magnetic resonance Signa Horizon system (GE Medical Systems, USA) with 1,5 T magnetic field strength. Functional images were obtained using echoplanar sequence. It was demonstrated that during speech production in L1 and L2, activation occurred in cortical areas of the left hemisphere that included: ventro-lateral frontal areas (inferior frontal gyrus, Rolandic operculum), temporal lobe (temporal pole, superior and middle temporal gyrus), inferior part of cortex surrounding the lateral fissure (precental and postcental gyrus) and insula. Similar, but less extensive cortical areas surrounding the Sylvian fissure were activated in the right hemisphere. In the global results, contrast L1>L2 did not show any regi ; ons of activation in L1, while contrast L2>L1 showed more extensive activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (pars tiangulris) in L2. In the present work it was shown that similar cortical areas were active during speaking in the native and the foreign language, while differences in the foreign language included stronger activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (pars tiangularis), which is involved in phonological processing and plays a role in working memory. This reflects the involvement of working memory in full sentence speech production in L2. This might be due to difficulties in syntax production in the second language. Age of acquisition of the second language influences the pattern of activation of language areas, mainly in regions involved in syntax. Early age of acquisition allows one to acquire the rules of syntax in L2 in a similar manner as in L1. Proficiency level of the second language has a great influence on the pattern of cortical activations of language areas. The lower the proficiency level, the more differentiated are the cortical activations of language areas. The higher the proficiency level, the greater is the involvement of areas linked to working memory.
10 mar 2023
21 lis 2012
Nazwa wydania | Data |
ZB-107973 | 10 mar 2023 |
Bryll, Amira
Kozub, Justyna
Podsiadło, Lilianna
Rakowski, Tomasz