@misc{Jędrys-Skręt_Joanna_Ductal_2010, author={Jędrys-Skręt, Joanna}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, school={Wydział Lekarski}, language={pol}, abstract={Ductal carcinoma in situ is a heterogeneous neoplasm with a wide spectrum of rnorfological features, Prognosis of potentia! aggressiveness of DCIS can not he based on al ready know histological features of this type of canccr. Aims: A. Evaluation of morphological teatures of DCIS with and without microinvasion. B. Estimation of correlation betwecn morphological DCIS features and age of the patient. C. Comparison betwcen radiological symptorns of DCIS with and without microinvasion. O. Corrclation between size of canccr mcasured in mammography and histological spec1men. E. Analysis of microinvasion risk factors in ductal carcinoma in situ. Thcre was a retrospectivc analysis performed on 44 women operated on for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast betwecn January 2002 and Deccmber 2007. Data was collected at the I Department of General Surgery Patients were divided into two groups: - Group I - women with ductal carcinoma in situ without microinvasion: - Group II - women with ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion. Data on patie;11s· age at diagnosis. cancer locatio1). rcsults of clinical and radiological examinations were analysed. Information on cancer morphology and immunochemistry rcsults on estrogen. progesteron and HER 2 receptors expression was also analyzcd. Based on mammography results typc and location of microcalcitications and tissue distortion wer}, abstract={e analyzed. In the study correlation bctween mammography results and DCIS morphology was performed. Analysis of correlations between cancer size measured in mammography, ultrasound and histological examination was performed. including influence of cancer morphological features on differences of DCIS si ze in particular examinations. Following conclusions were made based on the analyses: A. There areno statistically significant differences between morphological features between DCIS with and without microinvasion. B. Morphology of ductal carcinoma in situ depends on patients age. C. Microcalcification is the most common symptom of DCIS in mammography. D. In cases of DCIS without microinvasion sizes of cancer in radiological and histological examinations were often corresponding.}, title={Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast : morphology and clinical implications}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={ductal carcinoma in situ}, }