@misc{Sieńko-Hans_Klaudia_The_2022, author={Sieńko-Hans, Klaudia}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, school={Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu}, language={pol}, abstract={Introduction: The number of cesarean sections has increased in recent decades. In general, a cesarean section is not a barrier to further pregnancies. Moreover, the control of pregnancies and childbirth after cesarean section are highly debated topics since many years. Aim of study: The aim of the study was to analyze and evaluate the way patient gave a birth after they have had a cesarean section in a previous pregnancy. Materiał and methods: In order to obtain the necessary information, the method of diagnostic survey and the method of evaluating medical records were used. For this survey 387 participants were analyzed who have had a single, full-term pregnancy and one cesarean section in the past. Results: Nearly 75% of women who have had a vaginal delivery at first and during their following pregnancy a cesarean section gave afterwards a natural birth again. Only 6% of patients experienced complications during delivery, and the most common symptom was increased vaginal bleeding. The median level of pain sensation experienced by the patients after elective cesarean section was 7 whereas the one from vaginal delivery reached the median level of 4. In the group of women who have had an elective cesarean section, 78,57% of newborns received 10 points on the Apgar scale in the first minute, in the VBAC group it has been 73,33% and 75% in the CBAC. The majority of the patient}, abstract={s (63,8%) experienced problems with lactation. Those after an elective cesarean section to be precise 72,2%, have indicated problems with lactation. Conclusions: The attempt of a vaginal delivery after experiencing a cesarean section was influenced by the past vaginal delivery. The type of delivery did not affect the occurrence of complications and emotional changes of patients, as well as the birth condition of newborns. After a successful vaginal delivery with a cesarean section in the last pregnancy, the patients showed less complications. Which means that they have had fewer problems with lactation, lower pain levels and shorter hospitalization stay compared to those women who chose an elective caesarean section.}, title={The evaluation way of labour of women after a previous cesarean section}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={vaginal delivery, cesarean section, vaginal delivery after cesarean section}, }