@misc{Tomaszewska-Kumela_Paula_Relaxation_2022, author={Tomaszewska-Kumela, Paula}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, school={Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu}, language={pol}, abstract={Intorduction: Negative factors cause mobility decrease, increased pain and muscular tension. Substantial role is played by fascia, one of whose functions is to transmit mechanical forces to further body parts. Aim: The aim of this study was assesment of effect of frontalis muscle relaxation and epicranial aponeurosis on pain and biomechanics of the spine. Material and methods: 120 people. Groups 1 and A were subjected to a 6-minute relaxation of the frontalis muscle and epicranial aponeurosis using a myofascial technique, people from groups 2 and B, were subjected to a classic massage of the same structures. Used: flexion ranges and pain of the cervical and lumbar spine, Thomayer’s test, FRT, tensomyography, posturography. Results: Group 1 and A showed more significant improvements in scores compared to group 2 and B in tests: pain assessment, spinal flexion, Thomayer’s test, FRT, posturography. Tensomyography showed greater improvement in tension and stiffness reduction in group A. Conclusions: Flexibility of the frontalis muscle and the epicranial aponeurosis reduces pain and increases mobility of the spine. The proposed musculo-fascial therapy improves balance. Decreasing the tension of the initial superficial posterior band structure decreases muscle tension of distant structures.}, title={Relaxation of the frontalis muscle and epicranial aponeurosis versus pain and biomechanics of the spine}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={frontalis muscle, epicranial aponeurosis, musculo-fascial technique, superficial posterior band, back pain}, }