@misc{Stanuszek_Agnieszka_Return_2021, author={Stanuszek, Agnieszka}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, school={Wydział Lekarski}, language={pol; eng}, abstract={M ore and more data suport and encourage sport participation in pediatric patients with various disorders of central nervous system. Nevertheless, parents, healthcare providers, teachers and even patients themselves choose avoidance of physical activity due to their fear of being at a significantly higher risk of sport related injuries. The main objective of the study was to evaluate whether pediatric patients admitted to the hospital due to seizure ( s), brain tumor or hydrocephalus req uiring a shunt participate in sport classes. The occurrence of sport related injuries among analyzed patients was verified as well. The analysis was conducted on three groups of pediatric patients hospitalized due to seizure ( s), brain tumor or hydrocephal us requiring a shunt. Among children after seizure(s), in only 3.4% of patients physical activity was reported as a seizure triggering factor. However, over 8% of all analysed children received a specific recommendation to permamently avoid sport and other physical activities. In the group of patients after brain tumor surgery, over 70% of them returned safely to physical education classes within 2 years after completion of treatment. Similarly, in the group of children with hydrocephalus, over 70% of them returned safely to physical education classes and after school sports. No severe trauma or adverse effect associated w}, abstract={ith sport participation was docu mented during the studies.}, title={Return to play in children with selected disorders of the central nervous system}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={return to play, hydrocephalus in children, pediatric brain tumor, seizures, physical education}, }